Mitt Romney's biggest
problem is not that he's uber-rich. His problem is that he tries to pretend he's not. To be sure, Romney
is not an everyman. He's a son of privilege, born on 3rd base yet
arrogantly thinking he's hit the proverbial triple. He's a have
with a capital H. But his real offense is in his clear and
utter disdain for the have-nots.
Rick Santorum was right: Romney has no core. He will do and say anything to win favor and votes. He's redefined political expediency. The thing that voters hate more than a politician is a politician who doesn't own his own truth. And Romney's truth--be it his wealth, his questionable global investments, his dubious record at Bain Capital, or his record as Massachusetts governor--is precisely what he's been running from faster than Michael Johnson chasing another Olympic gold medal.
Rick Santorum was right: Romney has no core. He will do and say anything to win favor and votes. He's redefined political expediency. The thing that voters hate more than a politician is a politician who doesn't own his own truth. And Romney's truth--be it his wealth, his questionable global investments, his dubious record at Bain Capital, or his record as Massachusetts governor--is precisely what he's been running from faster than Michael Johnson chasing another Olympic gold medal.
To be president of the United States means
having principles, values and a vision for America. Romney lacks all three virtues. I may
disagree with everything former president George W. Bush stood for, but I have much respect for
him, especially afforded the luxury of hindsight. I'm sure that sentiment will arouse ire in many
of my liberal pals, but those folks can't see the forest through the partisan trees. Objectively
speaking, Bush lacked many things, but what he had was conviction. Love him or hate him, you
always knew where he stood. And as president, he executed his vision, albeit with the most
controversy perhaps of any president in modern history.
Barack Obama frustratingly falls somewhere
in the middle of ineffective waffler and provocative visionary. He has a solid core and a strong
moral compass. He's been a slow yet astute student of presidential politics, and I don't think
we've come even close to seeing what he could ultimately deliver. While those who read this blog
know I've been an extremely vocal critic of his over the years, I suspect that, if given a second
term, he will rise to a level of accomplishment and greatness that will be an appreciable
return on the Hope and Change investment.
The danger in a Mitt Romney presidency is
that Americans are in a conviction-vacuum, lacking any meaningful insight into his true
beliefs and vision. The billion-dollar question is, would he lead as a moderate, as he did in
Massachusetts, or is the real Mitt Romney, the 2012 Tea Party-poisoned automaton, the candidate
whose current rhetoric is so far to the inflammatory right that he makes Bush seem like the
compassionate conservative he set out to be.
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