Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Is Mitt Romney a Master Debater?

I'll give him credit: Mitt Romney trounced his opponents in the Republican debates. But did you see that crop of crazies battling for King or Queen of the Parallel Universe? It wasn't too difficult to appear as the most electable candidate when the competition resembled the characters in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."  

With a week before the first debate with President Obama, Team Romney has been confidently touting their guy as a verbal warrior, a master debater if you will, who will handily win the three televised contests. But these events will be very different for Romney than his battles with Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman Jr. and Tim Pawlenty.

The GOP debates were woefully lacking logic, rational thought and the truth. A freak show filled with guns, God, gays, "999" and make-believe. The amount of lying and deception was unprecedented, but it surely made for excellent theater.

Romney won the nomination by default. That he walked away with the coveted prize says more about his kooky challengers than it does him. Months later, with the election just six weeks away, his overall political currency and cache is almost indication of how truly unpopular and unlikable he's been from the start.

Now Romney's about to step into the ring with President Obama, who will be armed to the hilt with policy, facts, figures and reality. He won't be able to kick back and hide behind Bachmann's crazy Jesus talk, Newt's outrageous racist rhetoric, Santorum's homophobia, Cain's fuzzy math or Perry's feeble forgetfulness.  He'll have to finally step out from the shadow of his own empty suit and provide specifics as to who he is, what he stands for, his plan for America and why he deserves to be president.

To be sure, Romney will be forced to explain his dubious past and present, including his tenure at Bain Capital, his term as Massachusetts governor, his taxes, the infamous "47%" debacle, Medicare, Social Security, the magical 12-million jobs he projects to create, his cure for a still ailing economy and how he'll deal with Afghanistan, Iran and the outbreak of Middle-East violence. The sideshow is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Mitt will come across as a smooth talker, but when he gets excited and/or challenged, he sounds like a dog greeting his master. "I'll try that. No maybe this will work. Okay how about this? Yea that will work. No? Quick come up with something."
Bottom line, is the fact that folks aren't buying what the Mitt and the repubs are selling. What can Mitt say that would make nervious seniors and those in their 50s who stand to lose it all with repubs destroying Social Security and Medicare. The fact that the repubs are pitting the generations (you're okay if 55) is disgusting. Young folks will have to take care of their parents. What? The young folks are living with their parents? Too bad in Mitt's world.