Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Kudos to Barney Frank. Leave it to a Gay Guy to Have the Biggest Balls in Washington

The Town Hall Health Care Crazies are still out in full force, disrupting and hijacking these events and putting elected officials on the hot seat. But not at Rep. Barney Frank's gathering in Massachusetts Tuesday night. Frank, the biggest bad ass in Washington, issued a glorious and long-overdue smack down of some fringe lunatic who compared President Barack Obama's health-care reform to the policies of Nazi Germany.

..."My question to you is, why do you continue to support a Nazi policy?" the woman asked Frank.

"On what planet do you spend most of your time?," an incredulous Frank rhetorically replied, indignantly adding "You stand there with a picture of the president defaced to look like Hitler and compare the effort to increase health care to the Nazis....Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. I have no interest in doing it."

Bravo, Barney. Frank's our new Congressional hero. It's about time someone stood up to these belligerent, ignorant freaks and simply told them to fuck off. He's the only politician so far who's refused to dignify this hate-filled, incendiary nonsense with a reply. I'm sorry, but these Town Hall meetings are not a forum of entitlement, where vile rebel-rousers have an inalienable right to bitch-slap politicians and waste their time with inflammatory crazy-speak. What Frank did today was poetic justice and should be a lesson-learned for other politicians facing these angry mobs of malicious misanthropes.


Unknown said...

Barney Frank was right to stand up to that woman and ask what planet she lives on.But to call the protestors "ignorant freaks and simply told them to fuck off" is jusy plain wrong.Most of these people are concerned working people and senior citizens who can not get a straight answer from our representitives.Barney Frank happens to be a buffon and an embarassment.Thanks for the article.

Anonymous said...

Barney Frank is a jerk.And why is it OK for the left to demonstarte but not the right?I say both sides should....and do equally.Mr Ostroy,you are biased!

Unknown said...

The woman's right. The liberal media doesn't tell you about the National Socialist's catastrophic "Capzendtraader" program. Nor do our union-stultified schools teach our children that the 1933 "Marks for Mercedes" catastrophe forced them to invade Poland for spare parts.

Anonymous said...

AITCH & 10:38: What planet do you spend time on? The majority of those folks are ignorant. Not only that, many of them do not even have health insurance? That just shows you how ignorant they really are.

Those folks are just repeating repub hate talking points to disrupt. They have no interest in disgusing the health care issues. All they want to so is prance around and yell untruth hateful talking points.
Why are those crowds 99.9% white? I am white and find them embarrassing and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Why dont you do a story on the FACT that Pelosi told anti-war Protesters in 2006 "Youre VERY American" and that she was "a fan of disrupters", but now when they protest something she SUPPORTS, now protesters are Nazis. No story on that huh?

I tell you, one thing is for sure: The blatant hypocrisy from the left FAR outweighs the hypocrisy on the right. Not even close!

Anonymous said...

The censoring system on this blog as confused me often. I'm never sure if a response goes through and have to wait two or more days to find out.

I "lost" one today so here I go again. I just said I was taught balls meant strength, courage, wisdom and protective leadership. Having balls was was never considered to be snarling sarcasm, especially against a person years younger than I who might sincerely believe her uninformed opinion is correct. Hitler did murder those he thought not worthy to live. The argument has it that the Dem healthcare plan supports abortion and lack of health care for the old. Frank should have spoken as a leader, not a standup comic.

The Ostroy Report said...

Anon 11:00....I'm not sure what you;re referring to. The censoring system on this blog (a) is quite clear in that if someone acts like a jerk, they will be censored, and (b) notning takes two days. My intern reviews comments several times per day and then forwards the acceptible ones to me for final approval. She knows the criteria for acceptance, and nothing combative, nasty, etc gets passed her. I don't ever get to see those, as they're a waste of my time.

Thanks for readin' and writin'

Unknown said...

Sorry Mr Ostroy-
Both the far left and the far right hurl insults at eachother.Both sides are wrong.I read your articles for perspective,though I dont always agree.Bush was called Hitler countless times....but in the far left world,people like you would just say'he was'......Theres where the real problem is!

Anonymous said...

The bottom line in all of this-The mainstream media in America runs the show.There is one outlet other than that and it is FOX News,which happens to be fairer in their reporting than the NBCs of the world.Yes- FOX leans right.But they provide 2 sides of the issue in their debates.Every other media outlet leans left,and provides no opposing position.That is why their ratings are growing.They tell 2 sides and lean one way.It is a great strategy.Also...growing up,the left championed free speech and civil discourse.Now they try to silence opposing views thru name calling and their own inherent weakness.

The Ostroy Report said...

Aitch, plesse don't speak for me. As a Jew, I take great offense when people thrown the terms Nazi and Hitler around gratuitously every time they don't like someone or something. I never called Bush a Nazi and I didn't condone it when others did.