The Ostroy Report is an aggressive voice for Democrats, the progressive agenda and serves as a watchdog of the Republican Party and President Trump.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
McCain Doesn't Know Shia From Shinola
On his "Gee, don't I look like a Commander-in-Chief" tour in Iraq, presumptive GOP nominee Sen. John McCain said something that made him look anything but. He showed that he's either a liar, or woefully misinformed, or getting senile. He warned to reporters that Iran is sponsoring al Qaeda terrorists in their fight against the U.S. When pressed, the crusty old Repug added that it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate." As anyone with an ounce of Middle-east/Arab history knows, Iran is a Shiite country and al Qaeda is Sunni. And the two hate each other. So, his trusty war-mongering sidekick Sen. Joe Lieberman, at his side, leaned in, whispered this sweet nothing into his ear, and McCain said whoops...I made a boo-boo. "I'm sorry...the Iranians are training extremists, not al Qaeda," he said.
So what's the real shocker here, that McCain was trying to lie to Americans about who we're really fighting over there? Duh! He, Lieberman and Bush have been doing that for years. That McCain was trying to distort the truth should come as a surprise to no one. His entire campaign is built on the Iraq war and his support of the surge. And his main strategy is fear; keeping Americans afraid so that support for this debacle continues. The other day he said "if we pull out the troops, al Qaeda wins." The Repug neocons have been morphing Iraq and Iran into al Qaeda since the 9-11 attacks.
But what this should demonstrate to voters is that McCain's integrity is lacking. That he's a liar. or, if we giove him the benefit of the doubt and he's not intentionally deceiving Americans, then his understanding of of one of the most complexes ethnic struggles in history, in a violent part of the world, renders him unprepared to be president.
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Pro-life UCLA students stage prank call to Planned Parenthood offering a donation specifically to abort black babies -- and the Planned Parenthood employee accepts, saying "Understandable, understandable."
Response to caller 'a serious mistake,' says Planned Parenthood of Idaho
(Fake) Donor: OK, so the abortion -- I can give money specifically for a black baby, that would be the purpose.
PP: Absolutely. If you wanted to designate that you wanted your gift to be used to help (an) African-American woman in need, then we would certainly make sure that that gift was earmarked specifically for that purpose.
(Fake) Donor: Great. Because I really face trouble with affirmative action, and I don't want my kids being disadvantaged, you know, against black kids. I just had a baby; I want to put it in his name, you know.
PP: Mmhmm, absolutely.
(Fake) Donor: And we don't, you know, we just think, you know, the less black kids out there the better.
PP: (Laughs) Understandable, understandable. ..
That is why I will hold my nose and vote for Obama "if" he is the candidate. We just can not take another 4 years of this Republican BS.
Yes Andy, a war that both Hillary AND Obama will keep going as well. Hillary voted to continue funding it back in November---and of course you dont report this, do you Andy? Nah, dont let those pesky facts get in the way of your love letters to Hillary and Obama---two people who want a world government which will erase America's sovereignty, but you dont care about THAT do you? Think Im full of shit Andy? Just punch up on YouTube "Hillary Clinton/ Walter Cronkite" and watch the video where Hillary gives a speech by way of video honoring Cronkite who received an award from his World Government buddies. I know you wont watch it---you hate facts.
I wouldn't vote for Maccain no matter what,but lets not get in bed with the repuks(REPUBLICANS) by use falsehoods to make our points.#1 at the time of 9/11 osama bin ladan was being protected by the taliban which I hate to say is shiite,when we invaded ahfganastan 1/2 the taliban exscaped in to sunni and shiite have worked together on terrorism together,in the past,in the middle east they believe the enemy of my enemy is my friend,some of us here might not have the learning of most of you here,but some of us do follow news and remember what we see and hear,I agree maccain hasn't shown any real proof of iran training sunni,but there is proof of IRAN training shiite's that cross back into Iraq.The war was a mistake from the start,that I beleive with all my heart and soul,but please lets not dirty ourselfs with repeating falsehoods,to many of our soldiars have lost their lives because of lies,we honor them by telling the truth
Voting against McCain isn't merely voting against the Iraq War. As you point out, Clinton did indeed vote to authorize the conflict and has continued to vote in favor of funding it. Obama, while arguing against the war in 2002, has continued to fund the war. Republicans like to point these facts out as if its evidence that Obama is just as guilty for the war. That's a red herring really, because if they failed to fund the war, Republicans would openly and in bad faith tar and feather the Democrats for not supporting the troops while they were in the field. Sadly, that tactic would work. So it's lose-lose for the Democrats on that score. However, the march to war was lead by the Republicans. The failure to prepare for post-Saddam realities is on the Republican side of the ledger. The failure to go in with adequate troops was Rumsfeld and Cheney's (et. al.) fault. The Walter Reed and Abu Ghraib and waterboarding scandal are the administration's responsibility. The decision to cut taxes while our nation was at war, and not ask the great American people to share in the sacrifice, rests in Republican hands.
Despite all this, the real reason to vote against McCain is to give the opportunity to US citizens to issue a clarion call in opposition to a conflagration with Iran, an eventuality in a McCain administration. His repeated screw up regarding Al Qaeda and Iran, of which Andy has written, demonstrates that McCain is clearly gearing up for a Bush-like campaign of lies and distortion to lay the groundwork for hostilities with Iran.
It doesn't matter if McCain is senile or not -- I'm sure Rove and Cheney will continue to rule the country; and, if not them, someone else is ready to take that job. The behind-the=scenes=governing began when Reagan, who was senile, was merely the front man.
I'm an old man whose CD just matured. The recent rate before maturiy was five percent; it renewed today for one percent. I will vote for Hillary to save my life and my wife's. If she's not the nominee we won't vote because Obama hates us because we're white and the Republicans hate us because we're Democrats and poor.
Obama doesn't hate you because you're white, but I do hate you because you actually believe Obama hates you based on a couple of cherry-picked statements his pastor uttered.
anns 3:23's remark to 2:53's remark is why you can't vote for Obama,everyone he's around or supports him,hates everyone else who says they won't vote for him,thats a good way for change
what I think is hilarious is that Andy is still duped into believing there is any difference between parties---there's not---and they rig elections---we have NO say in anything. This is no conspiracy theory, this is FACT. Look at all the states right now that want to do "do-overs" because of "mistakes"-------mistakes my asshole---it's call VOTER FRAUD. That's how Bush "won" two elections----voter fraud. Andy---why dont you read Greg Palast's books?
#1 does anyone know if Obama's grandmother is alive so she can defend herself about being racist.if she isn't, how much you wanna bet,you got the old shuck and jive ruteen (LIED TOO)
I think sidney may be right in the way he see's thing and other people see things differently,blacks and obama people see his speech,as hitting it out of the ball park,while most whites see the speech as an exscuse for listening to hate speech for 20 years and justifing it
"while most whites..." Really? Where the hell do you get off speaking for the white population? I haven't seen any polling data on this yet, and until I do I will assume that it's possible for white people (yourself excluded of course) are capable of grasping the complexity of race in America, in general, and the complexity of Reverend Wright's theology and career, in particular.
When I heard Obama's speech, I heard Lincoln's Second Inaugural.
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."
No elected politician has spoken so honestly, so fairly, and so movingly about race in my lifetime.
your ranting proves the point,thank you sidney
"your ranting proves the point"...Are you mad? You make no sense. What is your point? I'm a white, and I disagree with you fundamentally.
3:42 is right about Obama supporters. They are hate-filled. When I read the old man's blog I thought that at what is probably his age, he could be one of the many whites who demonstrated and risked their lives or he may know many who were killed fighting for civil rights and the black cause. I am offended that in Obama's "eloquent", "inspiring speech in which he reviewed the history of black oppression and mistreatment by whites, he didn't mention the Civil War or Lyndon Johnson and the civil rights fight.
Gee! McCain lies just like Bush and Cheney do!
Cheney is still at it so who not McCain?
Of course there's the probability of senility, but would you want a senile old man being awakened by the Red Phone going off at 3AM?.
Rachel Maddow said on MSNBC that the Super Delegates may be forced to soon move in and push Hillary out before Denver. If the DNC does that I will be one of thousands who will leave the Democratic Party. I'm disgusted as it is with Kennedy, Pelosi, Dean and all the other spinelss Democrats. Even Gore didn't care enough to step in and save us. He needn't step in now and "run" things. Same for that weak-kneed Pelosi and the really dumb Dean. I am disgusted and I will not vote for Obama who has the "audacity of stupidity" to tout his ability to make wise judgments. That boast has lost any validity. Dean is another who was against the war and look at his judgment.
7:20 McCain wouldn't answer the red phone. He needs his rest. He would have an answering machine attached to the red phone and the message would read "Nuke em".
Obama would say "Have the (fill in the blank) leaders meet me in the office tomorrow so I can bring us all together. He would then go back to sleep softly chanting "I hope I can; I hope I cam; I hope I can.
"The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country." Lincoln
To all of you out there hating on our next President (Obama), I think it's high time that you and those in this country who are unready for fundamental and meaningful change to "disenthrall" yourself if we are to save our country.
McCain will be 72 years old this year. He has been an unequivocal supporter of a war that has drained this country of its precious resources, both in blood and treasure, and it has led inexorably to our diminished standing in the world (and the "soft power" that goes with being a respected hegemon). He has demonstrated a willingness to make the same mistake to the east of Iraq, in Iran. Hell, he was even so disrespectful that he made a song out of it in jest. The uberconservative multitudes (aside from neocons and veterans) will not come out in full support for him. Though it may be tighter than expected, Obama will beat McCain in November and the Democrats will pick up more seats in the Senate and the House. Obama v. McCain will be the 1960 election all over again.
I think I'm in the Twilight Zone. A contributor says Obama's speech sounds like Lincoln with his "Malice toward none . . . as God gives us to see right." Is he crazy. The whole point is Wright, Obama's advisor, best friend, mentor, member of his campaign , is malice-hate-filled. And if the contributor thinks asking God to damn America is God showing Wright "right-seeing" he is blighted. There was nothing religious, Chrisitan, loving, spiritual or God-like in the clips we heard of Wright. And, just because he didn't say them every day, if he said them once in a prepared sermon and publicly, he meant it. Does this person think hating and preaching hate against whites will bring peace and "heal the nation's wounds"? Obama should have mentioned Lincoln and at least give one white person credit for helping the plight of the blacks. And, it doesn't matter that Obama himself didn't say these nasty things about whites and America. He condoned them. If a person hates a child-abuser, for instance, he, or at least I, could not be associated with him, despite any other good qualities he may have. Heretofore, I couldn't be really friends with white racists. I admit I didn't confront them always, but I kept my distance. I feel the same now . I cannot vote for a racist to be president.
Obama's not a racist. PERIOD. Until there's evidence that he is a racist, I will not politically lynch a guy for keeping company with Pastor who has done a lot of good for the poor, homeless, etc., but said a FEW insensitive remarks. Yesterday's speech was not about patting people on the back for improving race relations. So he didn't mention Lincoln or Johnson or Kennedy, or for that matter Dr. King or other black leaders. Yesterday's speech was about where we are today as a nation. Anyone who reflexively judges Wright a racist based on a few snippets of his preaching out of thousands of sermons, is someone who does not even care enough about his country to attempt to understand the worldvew of approximately 30 million other Americans. He is not a fringe preacher, his views are representative of a great segment of our society. I know a lot of Bush-supporters and believers in America's exceptionalism who think that someone who says "God Damn America" in frustration and anger is a traitor or a racist. These are the people who believe our country is always right, or that our country is undoubtedly the "greatest country in the world." It's called nationalism, and it stinks to high heaven. Try being an adult for once and realize that the world and America is a very complex place with an often hypocritical and tragic history. To criticize your nation and to try to move it forward in a positive way, to try to rectify the gross inequities in our society, is the work of a patriot.
So keep on doing the work of the Bushes and Roves of the world and besmirch Obama's good name because of a few loathsome comments his Pastor made. I would wish you well if I didn't think you and your ilk are the ones responsible for the gradual decay we see in our politics.
sidney needs to start his own blog so he can see how many people would read his quotes,but thats why he's here no one would read it,there'ld be to much Obama ass kissing in it
Right on 9:00. I wish Sidney would get his own blog and stop thinking this one is his. I don't read his stuff anymore. same old same old.
If anyone wants to see how this will all turn out in the general election if Obama is the candidate start watching Fox News. I never watched it until this happened and they're in an all out crusade to see that McCain is elected. It's non-stop about Obama and Wright from Rove on down. And, I have to say, I agree with them. There is no "context" in which God damn America is acceptable, contraty to that being the main argument of other black preachers appearing on Fox to defend Obama. And, all those black preachers confirm that Wright's sermons are typical of those at most black churches, but we whites just don't understand.
Al Sharpton, who reportedly speaks and advises OBama three times a day was on FOx with Greta. When she pointed out that Obama was one of the first to say Imus should lose his job because of his remarks about the basketball team so why didn't he "fire" Wright, Sharpton said that Imus attacked human beings which is unacceptable, but Wright merely attacked a government which is not human, therefore acceptable. We have the right to criticize our government he said. And, that dumb Greta was speechless and asked him to come back tonight so she can answer him. However, Rove's attack was brilliant, calm, well-though out and convincing. McCain will surely win with Rove's intelligence conducting the campaign.
I know you are relatively new here, but the 'progressives' that frequent this blog don't like independent thought. You are obviously rubbing the Clintonistas the wrong way which makes you a hitler kool-aid drinking nazi repug-mole and global warming is now officially partly your fault.
I hope you are satisfied. They usually reserve their peace-at-all costs hatred for the likes of me, but thanks to Obama these are interesting times we live in.
Good luck and watch your back! :-) BTW, if it pisses off the Clintonista flame throwers I will highly encourage you to stay and express your well thought out, logical opinions.
I love it when the anonymous posters bitch about my posts, but then don't offer anything meaningful or substantive. If you only wish to read Andy's post, then you don't have to click on the comments. If you insist on clicking on the comments, you are more than entitled to skip over my post. If you insist on reading my post and criticizing them, please do so but only if you have something substantive to say rather than "Start your own blog" or "Quit posting". If you wish to live in an echo chamber where everyone agrees with each other, then I'm sure there are more suitable blogs out there for you. Thankfully, Andy welcomes rigorous debate.
Ha, of course I meant "vigorous debate" and not "rigorous debate." :)
Sidney, how can you, who are such a sensitive, intelligent, egaliterian and Progerssive Liberal, use the word "bitching"? That's a sexist word don't you know? "Bitch" is also used by black men more than frequently to demean "their women". Shame on you.
Wow. I think if you were to re-read Obama's speech on race, you'd notice that he's actually making a dualistic, conservative/liberal argument. The liberal side of the argument, which is obvious, focuses on empathy and how people should attempt to understand how the world looks through the eyes of someone else. The conservative side of his argument was very anti-PC/anti-thought police. While the myopic among us considers Obama's admission regarding his grandmother's fears was tantamount to calling her a racist, I disagree. What he was saying is that many white and black people harbor some natural and some ludicrous racial resentments, but just to harbor these feelings, justified or unjustified, does not make a person racist, it makes a person human. What differentiates these multitudes from outright racists is 1) acting on one's racial prejudeces and/or the inciting of others to take such action; 2) being unwilling to make a change or reconsider your biases.
That was just a long-winded way of me responding to your "bitching" criticism. Progressives need to move beyond P.C. witch-hunts. (Just to preempt a possible avenue of attack: I realize that Geraldine Ferraro got excoriated by the media and Obama team for saying Obama was "lucky" to be black, etc. I was equally outraged, but only because of the context. I felt that a pattern had emerged where the Clinton team was directly and indirectly trying to pigeon-hole obama into the "black candidate" role. Ferraro's comments were the straw that broke this camel's back.)
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